Saturday, December 3, 2016

The UNUSUALASAURUSES...By Efrat Shoham... Prepare to Smile...

While reading a book, it seems like most will bring back memories for me. A book about dinosaurs naturally brought to mind my great-nephew, Brandon, who, when small, loved to collect and play with tiny dinosaurs and he would provide us each of the least the real names...

But Efrat Shoham imagined for our children just what it might be like if we really learned how dinosaurs who lived many, many years ago were quite different...say, for instance, they might have had more human experiences???
Never Ever Whatsoever has anyone ever seen or spoken to a live dinosaur. So, what if dinosaurs could really talk, smile, cry, dream, dance, play and joke?

Shoham has selected 15 different dinosaurs and given them...
personality...  Say what? Yes, personality, just like humans...And she does it sooooo simply. She does it by creating a name for this particular dinosaur and then places that personality dinosaur into a single picture. The author then suggests that as we get to know each one, they just might remind us of some people--family, friends--who you know already!

Be prepared to Smile... or chuckle... 

Now here is the first type of personality dinosaur - The Explorersaurus! What do you think he might be found doing?  Why, I'll bet he might be looking for treasure...or maybe already knows he wants to be an archaeologist! And do you know what his real dinosaur name is? 

This particular dinosaur has become famous in recent years...even playing Dino the Dinosaur in a Fred Flintstone Christmas story! But many of his friends have not become so well known... Especially with their personality names!

Meet the Chilipeppersaurus! Yikes, this might actually be Dino, who is pink in the video...but is now red! Guess who eats tooooo many red peppers!

My favorite was the Nononosaurus! Can you guess why he was called that? Maybe you know somebody who it seems is always saying NO!

The pictures are in cartoon style like the front cover, just placing the particular type of dinosaur into a human setting based upon their personality title. After an introduction, there is minimal dialogue...merely the announcement of the personality dinosaur and then the picture... Readers can easily skim the book in less than five minutes...The enjoyment comes from trying to say the name😖, think about what the name may mean and then turn to the picture and explore what you think as to whether the name fits the scene/dino and whether you know anybody who could be called a, for instance, The Dontwannagotobedasaurus!

Also check out the back of the book to find a link to obtain free coloring pages! This is a great book to begin just as a picture book with children or for an older child who can develop a basic understanding of dinosaurs, but in a funny, human fashion. I would challenge readers to take advantage of the book to merge with a teaching process on the real names of these ancient earth beings... Highly recommended...


Efrat Shoham is an Israeli writer, content editor and independentt publisher (The Pink Camel).

Shoham grew up in a small agricultural village in Israel. Her father was a farmer and her mother – a teacher and librarian. She lives with her family in Tel Aviv, on a small street lined with eucalyptus, mulberry and loquat trees, where 3 rabbits from the nearby kindergarten run wild. 

She thinks and believes that curiosity, imagination, humor, green fields, fresh mango or avocado and pink camels are some of the keys to a good and happy life.

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